할렐루~야! 모두들 잘 들어가셨지요^^
평소에 예배드리고 지하철을 타고 돌아올 때는 꾸벅꾸벅 졸기마련인데,
오늘은 함께 찬양하고 돌아오는 길이 흥분되어서 졸지도 못했네요^^
이번 달부터 청년부에서 생명의 삶으로 QT를 하기로 했다고 하여,
저도 며칠 전부터 시작을 했는데요, 오늘 교회 가는 길에 그 책에서 읽은 부분이 있었는데,
그와 비슷한 이야기를 강사목사님께서 해주셔서 깜짝 놀라기도 하고,
하나님의 어떤 계획이 내게 있기에 이런 은혜를 체험하게 하시나 궁금하기도 하고.
아무튼 약간의 흥분된 마음으로 돌아와 그 내용을 우리 찬양대원들과도 나누고 싶어 글 남깁니다.
오늘 강사 목사님의 말씀을 한 마디로 요약한다면, 제 마음에 와닿은 맥락의 말씀은
"하나님께서는 과거 잘못에 대한 아무런 책망도 하지 않으시고,
천국 문을 열고 기다리고 계시면서, 다만, 오늘 우리에게 주어진 하나님의 말씀에
그대로 순종하길 바라십니다.
그렇게 오늘 하나님께서 말씀하시는 대로 순종하는 것이 우리가 본받아야할 아브라함의 믿음입니다." 였습니다.
제가 교회를 가면서 읽은 글은 중국내지선교회를 창립한 허드슨 테일러의 이야기입니다.
중국 선교사로 파송된 허드슨 테일러가 몇해후 파송한 전도회의 사정이 좋지 않아
영국으로 다시 돌아오라는 연락을 받았었다고 합니다.
다시 돌아갈 건지, 선교비 지원이 없더라도 남아 전도를 할 것인가 두고 고민했는데,
며칠을 성경을 읽으면서 묵상할 때 떠오른 두 마디가 있었다고 합니다.
하나는 여기까지 주님이 도와주셨다는 뜻인 '에벤에셀'과
여호와가 준비하시리라는 뜻의 '여호와 이레'였다고 합니다.
그는 주님이 지금까지 나를 도와주셨으며, 장래의 일도 주님이 준비하시겠다고 하는데 어찌 돌아가겠냐고 생각해 전도를 계속했답니다.
그 글과 오늘 목사님 말씀을 듣고서
제 개인적으로는 모든 상황을 뛰어 넘어 다시 공부하게 하신 하나님을 바라보면서,
지금까지 이런 모습으로 도와주셨고, 앞으로도 지금껏 이렇게 지켜주실 것을 믿으면서
불확실한 현실에 머무르지 않고 그것을 뛰어넘는 믿음으로 공부하겠다고 생각했구요.
새해에 새각오로 다시 더 큰 걸음 내딛는 우리 2부찬양대를 향해서도,
에벤에셀의 하나님이 이 모습으로 지금껏 지켜 주셨고,
새해에는 더 큰 은혜와 감동으로 우리를 일으켜 세우시는 '전능한' 여호와 이레 하나님이심을
믿고 열심히 찬양합시다~ 라고 외치고 싶으네요^0^
아자! 아자! 받은 은혜 더 크게 뭉쳐서 감사찬양 함께 드리실거죠~~~^^/
감사하는 명철군 올림
Something makes me happy^^
I'm majoring in Law. Let me introduce how to choose my major. It can explain a principle how to choose a major.
To choose a major, I considered what makes me happy. I asked myself, "When am I happy?". During several days I thought about it. But it's difficult to find out what makes me happy.
That time I was a NAVY officer. My job is a supply officer. So I had to cope with clothes, breads, spare parts of equipment and gas etc. And I've got to prepare kind of event on the ship. During first several months, I had rough times. It just made me tired and worn out. I felt that it was not connected with me.
In March, we had to go through drill with an American Navy Fleet. So I've got chance to introduce myself to U.S. navy officer who came our ship. I introduced myself, "I am a Supply Officer.". Supply officer, supply, supply... Yes! Supplying was my job. But that bounds made me tired and worn out. Just doing supply is not interesting. On the other hand, doing supply is helping hand and service. Then I made up my mind that I am not a Supply Officer, but a Service Officer. After that I could do my job happily. And I decided to do what help other people. Because I am a service man. So I chose my major which can help other people.
In the conclusion, I recommend to consider something makes you really happy!
To choose a major, I considered what makes me happy. I asked myself, "When am I happy?". During several days I thought about it. But it's difficult to find out what makes me happy.
That time I was a NAVY officer. My job is a supply officer. So I had to cope with clothes, breads, spare parts of equipment and gas etc. And I've got to prepare kind of event on the ship. During first several months, I had rough times. It just made me tired and worn out. I felt that it was not connected with me.
In March, we had to go through drill with an American Navy Fleet. So I've got chance to introduce myself to U.S. navy officer who came our ship. I introduced myself, "I am a Supply Officer.". Supply officer, supply, supply... Yes! Supplying was my job. But that bounds made me tired and worn out. Just doing supply is not interesting. On the other hand, doing supply is helping hand and service. Then I made up my mind that I am not a Supply Officer, but a Service Officer. After that I could do my job happily. And I decided to do what help other people. Because I am a service man. So I chose my major which can help other people.
In the conclusion, I recommend to consider something makes you really happy!
Making time schedules of spring term
I just handed in time schedules next term.
I'll take the 10 class of Law school.
Can I do well???
There are so many subjects which I should take and I want to take.
The climax is wondering between Law of securities and Law of local self-government.
But this time, I made a decision by dream.
Like this blog's address, I want to be a glocal-lawyer.
'Glocal' is made of global and local. According my dream, I chose closer thing from my dream.
So I made up mind to take 'Law of loca self-government' this term.
I want to make decision by my dream which is really important criterian.
I'll take the 10 class of Law school.
Can I do well???
There are so many subjects which I should take and I want to take.
The climax is wondering between Law of securities and Law of local self-government.
But this time, I made a decision by dream.
Like this blog's address, I want to be a glocal-lawyer.
'Glocal' is made of global and local. According my dream, I chose closer thing from my dream.
So I made up mind to take 'Law of loca self-government' this term.
I want to make decision by my dream which is really important criterian.
The most unforgettable event on the Jeju Frigate
The most unforgettable event is Climbing Halla Mt. with fellow seamans.
I was a supply officer of Jeju frigate of navy in 2007. May 3, on the heading to refit, we stopped at Jeju island. Our ship is named after Jeju province, so we were making a connection each other. So we made festival on the board May 4 and 5, during two days(as you know May 5 is Children's Day.).
During that day, we, all crew of the frigate, had suffer from unfamilliar job. First, we were to be a guide introducing navy and the ship. More 3,000 people were coming to our ship. It's a rough thing that the crews receive thousands guests. And, we, including the commander, had to use a bathroom and a dining room where is about 10 min. from the ship. For preventing the port against the pollution, when we were in the port, it was prohibited using water on the ship. Anyway we had a hard time and were tired.
The morning of leaving day, it was drizzling until we started to climb the mountain. Because of raining, we had difficulty to get the bus. Although some crews had to be leave on the ship for shortage of seat, we started to climb. Along the drizzling route, we were hiking Halla. To the top of the mountain, it took over 4 hours. And there were much cloud and fog on the lake of top of Hall. But when we were getting there, suddenly, they were gone. It's so clear to see the caldera. Many crews raised the shouting. And we felt tiredness was gone, too. I never forget that scene. It was so clear and deep impression on us. I never forget about it.
2010! Running to GOALs!
It's already second weekend in 2010!
Can you believe it? Time is too fast to make stable my life! I have feel more changous than ever.
It seems like there are more risks than certains! Although it is tough time, I want to find chance to be a big man who have great mind, love for neighbors and the sea of knowleges for overcoming all.
Then what I have to do? I made up mind to study hard, to keep good relationships with all to be a good boyfriend! Above all, I have to study hard. Because if I don't have the sense of balance and value, it is useless lots of knowledge which I have. A couple of days ago, I had dinner with Jongmin and Kichang who was colleagues for exam during the university. When we ate and drunk enough, we discussed about the principles of Human Rights and Democracy. But I had a difficulty to persuade them by my own opinion. Because my logic is pale and thinking about the essense of those subject is short.
In the next time, if I get the position to insist that, I should claim exactly and clearly. At the same time, that argue have to make better human rights and democracy for common people. So I have to distress more for real essential things. Please pray for me not to abandon the effort never!
Can you believe it? Time is too fast to make stable my life! I have feel more changous than ever.
It seems like there are more risks than certains! Although it is tough time, I want to find chance to be a big man who have great mind, love for neighbors and the sea of knowleges for overcoming all.
Then what I have to do? I made up mind to study hard, to keep good relationships with all to be a good boyfriend! Above all, I have to study hard. Because if I don't have the sense of balance and value, it is useless lots of knowledge which I have. A couple of days ago, I had dinner with Jongmin and Kichang who was colleagues for exam during the university. When we ate and drunk enough, we discussed about the principles of Human Rights and Democracy. But I had a difficulty to persuade them by my own opinion. Because my logic is pale and thinking about the essense of those subject is short.
In the next time, if I get the position to insist that, I should claim exactly and clearly. At the same time, that argue have to make better human rights and democracy for common people. So I have to distress more for real essential things. Please pray for me not to abandon the effort never!
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