
Making time schedules of spring term

I just handed in time schedules next term.

I'll take the 10 class of Law school.
Can I do well???

There are so many subjects which I should take and I want to take.

The climax is wondering between Law of  securities and Law of local self-government.

But this time, I made a decision by dream.

Like this blog's address, I want to be a glocal-lawyer.
'Glocal' is made of global and local. According my dream, I chose closer thing from my dream.
So I made up mind to take 'Law of loca self-government' this term.

I want to make decision by my dream which is really important criterian.


The most unforgettable event on the Jeju Frigate

   The most unforgettable event is Climbing Halla Mt. with fellow seamans.

   I was a supply officer of Jeju frigate of navy in 2007. May 3, on the heading to refit, we stopped at Jeju island. Our ship is named after Jeju province, so we were making a connection each other. So we made festival on the board May 4 and 5, during two days(as you know May 5 is Children's Day.).

   During that day, we, all crew of the frigate, had suffer from unfamilliar job. First, we were to be a guide introducing navy and the ship. More 3,000 people were coming to our ship. It's a rough thing that the crews receive thousands guests. And, we, including the commander, had to use a bathroom and a dining room where is about 10 min. from the ship. For preventing the port against the pollution, when we were in the port, it was prohibited using water on the ship. Anyway we had a hard time and were tired.

   The morning of leaving day, it was drizzling until we started to climb the mountain. Because of raining, we had difficulty to get the bus. Although some crews had to be leave on the ship for shortage of seat, we started to climb. Along the drizzling route, we were hiking Halla. To the top of the mountain, it took over 4 hours. And there were much cloud and fog on the lake of top of Hall. But when we were getting there, suddenly, they were gone. It's so clear to see the caldera. Many crews raised the shouting. And we felt tiredness was gone, too. I never forget that scene. It was so clear and deep impression on us. I never forget about it.


2010! Running to GOALs!

   It's already second weekend in 2010!
   Can you believe it? Time is too fast to make stable my life! I have feel more changous than ever.
It seems like there are more risks than certains! Although it is tough time,  I want to find chance to be a big man who have great mind, love for neighbors and the sea of knowleges for overcoming all.
   Then what I have to do? I made up mind to study hard, to keep good relationships with all to be a good boyfriend! Above all, I have to study hard. Because if I don't have the sense of balance and value, it is useless lots of knowledge which I have. A couple of days ago, I had dinner with Jongmin and Kichang who was colleagues for exam during the university. When we ate and drunk enough, we discussed about the principles of Human Rights and Democracy. But I had a difficulty to persuade them by my own opinion. Because my logic is pale and thinking about the essense of those subject is short.
   In the next time, if I get the position to insist that, I should claim exactly and clearly. At the same time, that argue have to make better human rights and democracy for common people. So I have to distress more for real essential things. Please pray for me not to abandon the effort never!